Bloody Moon

The train had begun its trip, the howling of the machine was echoing in the fresh air of the end of October, I was reading a book all alone in the wagon, it was Halloween, Since my childhood I have always been a fan of those festivities, waiting all the year for Autumn when the colors are stunning, when the sun is hiding, the costumes are worn, the movies are scarier, the haunted houses, the pumpkin are craved, the decoration are creeper, I’ve always been more comfortable in chaos. The dark night has always seems to me more poetic than a warm morning.

I was moving on to another town to follow my path, I was dreaming to become a writer and I was fighting for my goal.
I was staring from the window, I’ve always been fascinated by the moon, but to be honest that exact moment I felt like it was attracting me somehow, suddenly the sky became darker and gradually the moon was losing her whiteness to become as red as the blood, my eyes grew to their widest proportions, I was more mesmerized by the magnificence of the view than afraid of seeing a bloody moon, It was like a shining ruby sewn on a fabric of black velvet I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

As soon as we went into a tunnel, all the light came down it sent shiver down my spine, my hands started shaking and my heart was pounding so loud, the  atmosphere was very unpleasant, I was terrified, and when the train went out the tunnel A blinding light made me lose the balance, and I fell on the ground losing consciousness, I woke with a start, it was only a horrible nightmare.


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